Fortitude Blog

Continuing the Story

A family history narrative never really has a beginning or an end. There are endless stories of ancient ancestors to discover. As research continues, new records will be surfaced to corroborate or to challenge the stories of the past. And, the boundless stories of future generations need to be recorded. The purpose of the Fortitude Blog, written by award-winning author, Dale Spaulding, is to continue this evolving story of history.

Latest Posts

The Typhus Miracle

Cold and flu season is finally behind us. Did you catch a cold, the flu, or perhaps even COVID 19 or RSV this winter? So many of us did. And when you get sick, the search is on for anything that will help relieve your symptoms and fast-track you to…

Mr. Baseball

March is here and the seasons are changing from winter to spring. The Super Bowl is in the history books and despondent football fans have begun the agonizing seven-month wait for fall. But, take heart, baseball season is here! And, if you close your eyes, open your imagination, and take…

An American Blacksmith

If you could travel back in time to the early 19th century and choose an occupation in your small town, what would it be? Would you espouse to be a farmer, pastor, grocer, teacher, barber, tailor, or perhaps a cobbler? I think I would follow the path of my 2nd…

Crafting a Family History Narrative

As 2024 was approaching, I spent some time thinking of an appropriate topic to begin the new year. If you are a follower of my blog, you know I have a passion for discovering and preserving family history. So, I thought a post on how to craft a family history…


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